ALA Programme Extension for 3 to 5 classes in the same schools from 2018-19

Sub: Primary Education - Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) Programme Implementation in 1347 Primary schools in the state - Programme Extension for 3 to 5 classes in the same schools - Confirmation of list of 1347 schools - Requested - Reg.
ALA Programme Extension for 3 to 5 classes in the same schools from 2018-19

Ref Govt. Memo. No.372097/Prog.II/A/2016 of the S.E dt: 01112016

  1. All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that vide reference cited above, ANANDA LAHARA ABHYASANA (ALA) Programme is being implemented in 1347 schools in AP. It was introduced for classes 1 and 2 during the academic year 2017-18.
  2. It is further reiterated that, RiVER TIDE has supplied online, offline material and learning infrastructure material to 1347 schools district wise. Teachers working in these schools are trained in MGML pedagogy. In view of this, it is proposed to extend the programme for classes 3 to 5 in the same schools during the academic year 2018-19
  3. With regard to this, RiVER institute has been provided UDISE code linked\ school information to download the student and teacher tabs provided to ALA schools. RIVER - TIDE has requested for Grades 1-2, promoted list of students to be available in the server so that the same can be downloaded on the existing tabs and for Grades 3-5, the list of students and teachers for the forthcoming academic year i.e 2018-19.
  4. Hence all the District Egucation~lI Officers are requested to validate and confirm the list of SChOOls\'JY6u('~ar~'i~equestedto bring to our notice if any discrepancy or wrong data is found in the list of ALA schools. It is further informed that, no replacement of ALA schools is admissible for the A.Y 2018-19. If there is no discrepancy in the list provided, please confirm the same to enable us to issue further follow up instructions to AP Online, IT PMU and RiVER - TIDE as well. You are further requested to coordinate with AMO SSA in this regard. In view of this, district wise list of existing ALA schools is herewith attached to this file for your ready reference.

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