Mega DSC-2024 Filling up (16,347) teacher posts GO.27 Dt:13.06.24

Mega DSC 2024 DSC 2024 DSC 16,374 Posts DSC 2024 Notification School Education Mega DSC-2024 Filling up (16,347) teacher posts in School Education and other line departments dealing with education, through Mega DSC (District Selection Committee)-2024 Orders Issued.


G.O.Ms No:27 Dated: 13.06.2024

Mega DSC-2024 Filling up (16,347) teacher posts GO.27 Dt:13.06.24

Government hereby decides to fill up (16,347) teacher posts in School Education and other line departments dealing with education through Mega DSC (District Selection Committee)-2024.

2. The Commissioner of School Education, shall take all necessary steps to conduct the Mega DSC-2024 and to complete the process of filling up of the said teacher posts by the end of 31st December, 2024. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)

Download Mega DSC GO.27

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