RGUKT Special Category Certificates Verification Schedule

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) in Andhra Pradesh, a total of 48,000 applications have been received for the 2024–25 academic year. Here are the key details regarding certificate verification for special category candidates:

1.Certificate Verification Dates:

   - Special Category Candidates: Certificate verification for special category candidates who have applied for seats will commence on July 1

   - Children of Military Personnel:  Verification for children of military personnel will take place from July 1 to 3

   - Sports Quota Candidates: Verification for sports quota candidates will be conducted from July 3 to 6

   - Differently-Abled Quota Candidates: Verification for differently-abled quota candidates will be held on July 3

   - Bharat Scouts and Guides Quota Candidates Verification for Bharat Scouts and Guides quota candidates is scheduled for July 2 and 3

   - NCC Quota Candidates: Verification for NCC quota candidates will take place from July 3 to 5

2. Announcement of Selected Candidates:

   - The list of selected candidates will be announced on July 11

List of candidates called for CAP category certificate verification from 1st July to 3rd July 2024

List of candidates called for BSG category certificate verification on 2nd and 3rd July 2024

List of candidates called for NCC category certificate verification from 3rd July to 5th July 2024

List of candidates called for PH category certificate verification on 03-07-2024

List of candidates called for Sports category certificate verification from 3rd July to 5th July 2024

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Official Website

Certificates Verification Schedule

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