RC.NO:25 Dt:06-06-2015 Rationalization of Primary Schools Instructions

Sub:School Education - Respurce Redistribution -Rationalization of Teachers /Posts/Schools-Primary Schools-Instructions -Issued -Regarding
  1. All the Regional joint Directors of School Education and the District Eduational Officers and Project Officers Sarva Siksha Abhiyan in the state are informed that Government of India enacted the Right to Education Act 2009 As per section 25(1) of RTE Act 2009 envisages that te apporopriate Government and the local authority shall ensure that the pupil-Teacher Ration as specified in the Schedule is maintained in each school
  2. The School Education Department constituted a working Group to study and report on the Teacher -Pupil Ration and modalities for Resource Redistribution Rationalization (RR-R) of Schools and Teacher working in Primary (Govt/ZP/Mp) in the State
  3. The Working Group (a) the Aadhar Mapped U-DISE and Child Information Data(b) children yet to be enrolled in new academic year (c) No of Schools (d) No of Teachers(e) No of Gram Panchayats 

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