It is decided to supply Motorized Three Wheeler to Orthopedically Challenged Persons as per the Action Plan 2017-18. The Assistant Directors, Department for the Welfare of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens / District Managers A.P. Differently Abled & Senior Citizens Assistance Corporation here by instructed to follow the below guidelines while distributing the Motorized Three Wheeler to those Orthopedically Challenged Persons with utmost care.

Operational Guidelines for sanction of Retrofitted Petrol Scooters (3-wheel) for severely Orthopedically Challenged students pursuing

P.G./Professional courses and for self-employed.

The following shall be called as Operational Guidelines for procurement and supply of Retrofitted Petrol Scooters (3-wheel) the severely Orthopedically Challenged students pursuing P.G./Professional courses and for self-employed.


Persons seeking support under this scheme shall meet the following criteria

1. should be having Loco-motor disability.

a. Not less than 80% for sanction of retrofitted petrol scooters (disability claim shall be supported by a valid SADAREM certificate)

2. should fall under the BPL family group and covered in the age group of 18-40

3. should be pursuing P.G/Professional course as on the date of application or should have been engaged in self employment for not less than 3 years and be possessing minimum educational qualification of 10th Class (pass);

4. should be possessing valid driving license issued under Motor Vehicle Act as on the date of application;

5. applicant should be the native of Andhra Pradesh state as on the date of application.

6. Severely Orthopedically Differently Abled persons seeking mobility aid support shall be having the following physical parameters viz.,

(a) having both the lower limbs are weak or completely lost due to amputation, the upper limbs (both) should be strong enough to drive the vehicle (first preference shall be given to this category) or

(b) having severe disability but are managing to walk with the support of crutches/calipers/artificial limbs, their both upper limbs should be strong enough to drive the vehicle

(c) Should be eligible for grant of valid driving license of two wheeler motor cycle under Motor Vehicle Act 1988.

(d) Shall submit Medical Fitness certificate obtained from any govt civil surgeon of Orthopedics dept declaring no objection for Driving retrofitted scooter by the applicant.

(e) Persons having mental retardation /illness are not eligible.

7. one person can apply one application only from any one of the districts in the state to which he or she belongs;

8. shall opt for sanction of either Retrofitted Petrol Scooter (3-wheel)  and opinion of the medical expert, at the time of application by the individual;

9. each individual shall be eligible to receive Retrofitted Petrol Scooter (3-wheel) only once in his or her lifetime;


1. Out of total sanctioned units by the government and out of each consignment of vehicles received for distribution, the distribution of vehicles shall done on the basis of 60:40 ratio between the persons pursuing P.G/Professional courses and those engaged in self employment. In case of non availability of eligible candidates under self employed category, the undistributed units shall be given to the leftover eligible candidates under PG/Professional Course category and vice versa in the district. If eligible candidates under PG/Professional Course category also not available in the district, then the Managing Director may take a decision to re-allot them to other districts as per the requirement.

2. The District will be the unit for allotment and selection. The MD shall divide >the total number of units into district wise targets.

3. The SC/ST beneficiaries will have provision as per statutory ratio. In case of eligible beneficiaries are not available under SC/ST, the Unit shall become open for allotment. There shall be 33% reservation for women among the total units, which can be allowed to be allotted to others only upon non availability of eligible women beneficiaries

4. In case of heavy competition among eligible students, preference shall be given to the students whose leftover period for completion of the course is more and to those who are coming from remote areas.


1. Managing Director, APDASCAC shall issue a centralized notification inviting applications from the severely Orthopedically Challenged individuals in the state for supply of Retrofitted Petrol Scooters (3-wheel)/ Battery operated Wheel-chairs.

2. Applications shall be received from the eligible individuals through online only. Managing Director, APDASCAC shall make all necessary arrangements to receive applications through a centralized online system in a prescribed format. From the date of notification minimum of one month time shall be given to receive applications from the prospective beneficiaries.

3. Managing Director, APDASCAC shall develop a standard application format for this purpose by involving senior officers from the department for Welfare of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, APDASCAC and technical agencies like NIC etc.

4. Due care shall be taken while developing the application format to obtain all such information necessary to verify the candidate’s eligibility as per the given criteria and such other information as deemed necessary at the time of selection of beneficiaries.

5. All claims made by the candidates, like percentage of disability, local status, medical fitness, etc shall necessarily be supported by self-attested documents.

6. The possibility of submission of applications through Mee-Seva may be explored from the angle of convenience to the candidates residing in remote areas.

7. To obtain data of students pursuing PG/Professional courses the Universities/reputed Educational Institutions in A.P. State shall be >addressed besides obtaining the data from the Welfare Departments which are sanctioning Scholarships/Fee Reimbursements to the said courses.

8. Applications received shall be shortlisted district wise by the M.D., APDASCAC as per the eligibility and transmitted to the District Collector concerned while retaining a set of copy in the Head-office.


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