GO.No: 48 Dt:23.04.18 Pensions –Terms and conditions of Re-employed Pensioners – orders

Government have review ed the orders issued in the G.Os read above regarding fixation of pay of Re-employed pensioners and after thorough consideration hereby or der the following terms and conditions of reemplo yment in suppression of all orders issued earlier in this regard:

AP GO.No: 48 Dt:23.04.18 Pensions –Terms and conditions of Re-employed Pensioners

I.            Pay:- The re-employed pensioners shall draw last pay drawn minu s pension as pay. For this purpose-

( i )      LAST PA Y drawn means the actual pay drawn before his retirement on which his original pension was sanctioned.

(ii)                PENSION means, the gross monthly pension. Where p ension has been commuted partly or fully pension means the gross pensio n payable prior to commutation.

II.        Allowances: The re-e mployed pensioner shall be permitted to d raw Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City compensatory Allowance o n the pay fixed as indicated at (I) above.

III.             Permission to draw pension: During the period of re-employment the re-employed pensioner shall be permit ted to draw any pension sanctioned and to retain any other form of retirement benefits in addition to remuneration fixed in the manner indicated at (I) above.

Non drawal of Dearness Relief on pension:
The re-employed pensione rs are not eligible

for dearness relief on pen sion during period
of re-employment and the p ension disbursing

officers should obtain a c ertificate of non-re-employment from the pens oners along with

the Life Certificate to be submitted between
October and April every ye ar.

V.             In case of Pay Revision during currency of Re-employment: The pensioners who are on
re-employment as on th e date are eligible for re-fixation of their pay and                              pension

whenever there is a pay revision and the pay on re-employment shall be regulated

accordingly. To be more specific, the pay on such revision of pay scales shall be Revised

pay minus consolidated pension.
Term/Duration of Re-employment: The term of re-employment shall be normally for one

year extendable on the same and terms conditions subject to mutual consent.
Entitlement of leave:  During the period of re-employment the re-employed are eligible

for the casual leave,
optional leave and earned leave along with leave encashment as in

the case of regular Government employees.
Tour TA: The re-employed are eligible for TA - DA on tours as applicable to the posts to

which they are reemployed in case they are appointed against a sanctioned post.
Other facilities: The re-employed shall be eligible for vehicle, phone and other facilities

as applicable to
the post to which they are re-employed in case they are appointed against

a vacant post.

2.             These orders shall apply to all Government pensioners who are re-employed or appointed after retirement hereafter. The existing re-employed pensioners may continue on the existing terms of re-employment. On expiry of present term they may be continued on re-employment in terms of these orders.

3.               These orders are applicable to those pensioners who are re-employed against sanctioned posts. These orders may also be extended to those pensioners who are re-appointed without sanctioned posts such as in case of officers on special Duty/Consultants etc., duly defining the terms and conditions relating to facilities such as tour TA,Vehicle etc., that are to be provided for effective discharge of duties.

GO.No48 Dt:23.04.18 Pensions –Terms and conditions of Re-employed Pensioners

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