Sanction of 17 days Earned Leave to the teachers who have participated in Samaikyandhra agitation and attended the school for 33 Days Rc.94

School Education Dept-  Sanction of 17 days Earned Leave to the teachers who have participated in Samaikyandhra agitation and attended the school for 33 days on Public Holidays -Orders Issued,

Rc.94 ,Dt.22/2/2019


1. Govt. Memo. No. 3957/Services.lI/A.1/2015, dated: 1-12-2017
2. Govt. Memo. No. 3957/Services.lI/A.1/2015,dated: 23-01-2019


  1. The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Educationand District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references 2ndread above (copy enclosed). wherein Govt. have directed the *Commissionerof School Education, AP, to credit Earned Leave for 17th days to theteachers, who have participated in Samaikyandhra agit ation and attendedthe schools for thirty three (33) days on Public holidays, as deemed fit, subjectto condition that the Ecrned Leave cannot be encashed either at the time ofretirement or at the time of surrender, as this leave is in the nature ofcompensatory Leave for which encashment is not there Further, Govt. have informed that, the 17 days ELs are to be creditedand mentioned in the Service Registers as "No. of EL at Credit 17". Further,whenever the concerned employees apply for Earned Leave in future, the"+17" ELs have to be debited in the first instance and then only the maincredit. (so that in future, at the time of retirement, the employees not to claim to add the same to the main credit, due to lack of maximum 300 forencashment facility)T
  2. herefore, they are therefore requested to take necessary actionaccordingly wit hout any deviation.
  3. These proceedings should be followed scrupulously
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