Municipal Schools in ULBs - IT infrastructure facilities – Certain instructions to Head Masters and Municipal Commissioners –Issued Rc.3290

All the Commissioners of the ULBs (wherever Municipal Schools exists) in the
State are informed that in order to introduce e-Governance and paper less system in the Municipal Administration Department and to improve the service delivery by the ULBs interms of transparency & accountability, this department has embarked several IT initiatives inthe last three years. But due to lack of IT infrastructure in some ULBs, it is very much difficult to deliver various services to the citizens and to improve the efficiency of the employees of ULBs in terms of IT related issues.

2. In view of the above and also to strengthen the ULBs technically, the following
goods were procured from Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project with the
assistance of World Bank funds and same are supplied to all ULBs, depending upon the requirement as mentioned in the appended statement and details as below.

a. Desktops (Office Use and Municipal Schools).
b. UPS (Office Use and Municipal Schools) (5KV, 10KV, 20KV ).
c. Virtual Classrooms.
d. School Benches.
e. Augmentation reality based technical aid(3d Flash Card Projectors).
3. The Commissioners of ULBs and Head Masters of concerned Schools are directed and

follow the suitable instructions as below.

1. To ensure that all goods should be entered in the stock register, updation of Asset register/ERP Module of the ULB and after the receipt of the goods
the Head Masters should produce acknowledgement of the goods
2. To ensure early installation and commissioning of goods.
3. To keep the warranty/guaranty cards of goods it safe custody.
4. To keep in safe custody and proper utilization of assets duly ensuring with
proper monitoring mechanism.

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