AP Grama Sachivalayam Guidelines Released by Govt of AP AP Village Secretariat Notification AP Village Sachvalaya Recruitment Guidelines 2019 Govt issued Guidelines Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department – Gram Panchayats - Village Secretariat System in Gram Panchayats in the State - Orders –Issued
AP Grama Sachivalayam Jobs 2019 - Gram Panchayats - Village Secretariats:
- Article 243G vests powers in the State Legislatures to endow Panchayats with such powers and authority to function as institutions of self-government. As per the 73rd Amendment, AP Government enacted AP Panchayat Raj Act 1994.The Act provides for (i) the creation of three tier system of PRIs - gram panchayat at the village level, Mandal Parishad at the intermediate level and Zilla Panchayat at the district level, with required powers and functions contained in Schedule XI of the Constitution. Panchayats are responsible for preparation of plans and their execution for economic development and social justice related to 29 subjects (Annexure 1).
- The Hon’ble Chief Minister on number of occasions has declared that the Government is committed to revamp delivery systems in the State with an aim to improve living standards of the people through the concept of NAVARATHNALU as core theme of governance. To achieve this objective, Government would establish a system of Village Secretariats consisting of required functional assistants to strengthen Gram panchayats and provide services for every 2000 population in the state.
- In this connection, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Tadepalli was requested to work out and send necessary proposals for establishment of village level secretariats in the state.
- Accordingly, Commissioner, Panchayat Raj submitted a detailed proposal vide reference 12th cited, describing the modalities of Village Secretariats – norms for establishing village secretariats, composition, an estimate of functional assistants/budget required etc., besides stating that multiple intensive inter departmental workshops, meetings etc. on this subject have been conducted at several levels, including the Principal Secretary, the Chief Secretary and the Principal Advisor to Chief Minister to discuss about the modalities for establishing village secretariats.
- In Andhra Pradesh, vide references 1 to 10 read above, 10 subjects have been transferred to Panchayats. Due to lack of infrastructure and manpower at Gram Panchayat level, the intended objectives to establish a more meaningful local government could not be achieved
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Need for Village Secretariat System:
- Restructuring the delivery systems to function as an effective mechanism to deliver services.
- A strong & workable channel for implementation of NAVARATHNALU
- Transparency and accountability in delivery of government services to the citizens
- Ensure convergence among departments providing services at village level.
- The proposal received from the Commissioner, PR&RD was referred to 13 line Departments and Finance and Law Departments for concurrence, consultations and comments. The comments received from line Departments were considered and required modifications were suitably incorporated in the proposal.
- After careful consideration of the proposal, Government orders to establish Village Secretariats in the State of Andhra Pradesh with the modalities described hereunder.
- To provide various Government / other services at the door steps of Citizens through single window system and ensure delivery of Navaratnalu.
- Enable convergence of all line departments that provide services at the Village level
- Preparation and timely implementation of village plans.
- Mapping the field level functionaries with clearly specified roles making them accountable to Gram Panchayats/Gram Sabha with a well-defined Citizen Charter.
- Integrate the institution of village volunteers with village secretariat system enabling them to provide citizen services efficiently
Structure & Composition of Village Secretariats
- The office of Gram Panchayat will be termed as “Village Secretariat”.
- Each Village Secretariat will be provided with a Panchayat Secretary who functions as the Secretary/convenor of the Village Secretariat.
- The Village secretariat consisting of Panchayat Secretary & functional assistants shall be responsible to aid & assist Gram Panchayat(s) in performing its functions, while preserving the autonomy of Gram Panchayats.
- Subject to administrative convenience, Functional Assistants working under a Village Secretariat, may cater to the needs of two or more contiguous Village Secretariats.
- The Village secretariats shall have such number of functional assistants working under the supervision of the Gram Panchayat, inter alia not limited to the list enumerated in Annexure 2.
- Above functions are indicative only and as when required other functions may be added to it.
- All the functionaries at the Village Secretariat shall act as an integrated workforce to deliver multiple services.
- The functionaries will be assigned any other Government work as and when required, even if it does not pertain to their own department.
Area of operation of functional assistants
Population unit of about 2000 persons is taken as the base, for provision of services by one team of functional assistants
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