Pillala Vinodam-100 Audio stories on Life skills for adolescents through DIKSHA, WhatApp Chatbot

Samagra Shiksha, AP SIEMAT - Pillala Vinodam-100 Audio stories on Life skills for adolescents through DIKSHA, WhatApp Chatbot along with manual - Dissemination Instructions -issued.

Pillala Vinodam-100 Audio stories on Life skills for adolescents through DIKSHA, WhatApp Chatbot

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10) à°¨ీà°Ÿి à°¯ాజమాà°¨్à°¯ం

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to access the chatbot?

Step-1: Please send 'ANDHRA 'to +91-9311 620444 on WhatsApp 

Step-2: You will be able to join the Education India Andhra Pradesh state chatbot

Step-3: You may be prompted to choose the language. Select the language of your choice.

Step-4: Please select the desired options and themes to listen to audio stories.

2. How to change the language?

Step-1: Type "STOP" (This will end the present conversation)

Step-2: Type "ANDHRA" (This will start a new session)"English" or "Telugu". Please

Step-3: You will get option to select the language: select your preferred language

Step-4: You will be promoted to confirmed the preferred language. Please type "Continue" or "Change" to confirm your preferred language for the selection.

3. How can I move to next module?  

Please follow the instructions in the numbers to select theme/audio.‌chatbox

4. How can I listen to the audio files?

Step-1: After selecting the theme, audio files will be available on the screen for .download

Step-2: Click on the "Download" icon‌to download the audio file.

Step-3: Once the audio is downloaded, please click on the "Play" icon chatbot screen to listen to the audio.

5. Can we listen to the files again on more than one occasion? 

 Yes, once the audio is downloaded you can listen to the files any number of times

6. Can we go back to the same theme after a gap of few hours or few days? 

Yes, you can always go back to the same theme.

7. Do we need internet to start the chatbot?

• Yes, internet is need to access the chatbot and download the files. Once the files are downloaded they can be accessed offline as well.

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