SSC Public Examinations, April 2023 - Conduct of Spot Valuation - Communication of dates and Certain instructions issued - Reg.
Rc.No.150/J-2/2023, Dated: 09-01-202
REF: Note Orders of CSE vide GE-CPROORSLT(SPOT)/1/2023-DGE, Dated: 06.01.2023.
I am to inform you that, the Spot Valuation of the SSC Public Examinations, April 2023 is to be conducted from 19-04-2023 to 26: 04-2023 for 08 days continuously in a single spell throughout the state in (23) spot valuation centers situated in district Headquarters. (Details of Spot Venues enclosed).
On 19-04-2023 i.c., reporting day for AES/CES/Spl Assts., an Orientation Programme has to be conducted on Bar-coding system, using demo OMR Sheets and audio video CD (old) to be in the session and valuation to be commenced in afternoon session.
1, request you to prepare a schedule and plan of action so that the valuation of the Answer Scripts of all paper codes allotted to your camp is completed within the scheduled period duly following the guidelines issued by the under signed from tune to ume. Under no circumstances, the camps shall be extended beyond the given date. Exemption from Spot Valuation Duties can be accorded to the Muslim staff on 22.04.2023 on the occasion of RAMZAN.
I also request you to make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of Spot Valuation Camp in smooth manner. The booklet containing
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