Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, Phase-Il Instructions to Implementing the Program

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, Phase-Il- Ensure that the instructions should be followed while implementing the program - issued.

Circular .No. 2045894/MBNN/2023Dated.13/04/2023

Ref: Dt.22.06.2022 of the School Education (Program-II), Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Government vide reference read above, accorded Administrative sanction for improving Infrastructure facilities in 22,344 Schools and other Educational institutions with a total budget outlay of Rs.8000 Crores under Phase 2 of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu program.

It is proposed to complete all the Nadu Nedu components and keep the schools ready by 12th June 2023. During the coming two months the following activities will be started.

1. Roof repairs and Ceiling repairs.

II. Supply and installation of furniture.

III. Major and Minor Repairs.

IV.Repairs and completion of Toilets.

V. Repairs and construction of Kitchen Sheds.

Except construction of ACRs and Compound Walls all other Nadu Nedu components are targeted for completion by 12th June 2023.

The following activities should be attended to by all the Head Masters of Phase-I

Nadu Nedu Schools to ensure proper execution and completion of Nadu Nedu works.

• All the CPM (central procurement material) items should be received by the Head Master or his/her authorized representative and two Parent Committee members. Once the Head Masters gave readiness for any CPM material such material has to be accepted, rejection can be done only on account of poor quality or short supply.

Stage wise Ceiling and Roof repairs photos must be captured and uploaded to STMS by HM, from his/her login.

All the Central Procurement items must be assembled and made ready before the re-opening of schools (i.e. 12.06.2023).

• Centrally procured materials such as Furniture, Tiles and Electrical fittings should be properly stored and assembly of equipment should be done under the personal supervision of the Head Master.

• All the HMs should ensure that no or minimum discomfort is caused to students on account of storagege of CPM material in class rooms.

HMs shall also ensure proper safety and storage of CPM material and locally purchased material.

Failure to comply with the above instructions and any additional cost incurred on logistics due to negligence or non-compliance of these instructions by Head Master or his authorized representative, will be recovered from their salaries. besides initiating disciplinary action.

Hence, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers should ensure that these instructions reach all the Head Masters in their respective Districts and monitor the compliance of these instructions.

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