Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Program accessories are being provided in Phase-1 Schools Rc.2085345

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu- Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Program accessories are being provided in Phase-1 Schools- Instructions

Circular. No.2085345/MBNN/2023

Ref: Prc. ReN ESE02-32021/22/2023-IT-CSE, Dt. 12/05.2023 issued by the Commissioner, School infrastructure.

As part of Mara Badi Nadu Nedu Program digital infrastructure such as IFPS/Smart TV and other accessories are being provided in Phase-I Schools. IFPS will be given to all Phasey Nadu обучи меней на High Schools covering 6th to 10th classes for all sections Smart TVs will be provided @ 1 Smart for every 60 children for Classes 1st to 5th, For setting up the above/digital infrastructure in School the following preparatory activities shall be taken up. 1. Near IFPs/Smart TVs electrical 2 nos of surface socket boxes with 2 sockets and switches shall be provided. To get power supply to these sockets, concealed wire shall be up in PVC pipe from the nearest Switch Board available in the class room. The 2 nos surface socket boxes shall be placed below the Board fixed under the IFPs/Smart TVs.11. One No 17mm MDF Board of minimum size 2'-0" X 0'-9" (60cmx23cm) shall be provided under the IFP for placing the Android Box, Router..etc. The MDF Board shall be fixed using Powder coated L-angles of 0'-8" size (20cm). LLAN cable shall be provided from the source available to each dass room. The Broad Band signal point shall be placed at the center of all class rooms.

IV.All the above works shall be executed well in advance, before the arrival of the IFPs/Smart TVs. 

Planning and Execution

Web Application is provided in HMS login of STMS Software. The Number of IFPs/Smart TVs allotted to the School will be indicated in the screen. HMS will have to assign IFPS to classes (including sections e.g:

BANS IFPs/Smart TVs should be installed only in teaching class rooms and the above mentioned preparatory work should be 6A, 6B, 6C..etd

HMS of all Phase-I Schools will indent 2 nos 4 x 4ft Green Chalk Boards for every Class rooms where Ps/Smart TVs are to be installed.completed well in advance

Once the IFPs/Smart TVs are installed in the Class rooms the existing 8 X 4ft size Green Chalk Boards should be moved to the nearest Phase-Ill Schools.

MEOS will identify nearby Phase-3 Schools and move these to the particular schools and complete the installation.

The installation, transportation charges shall be paid by the Phase 1 School from where the Green Chalk Boards are shifted.

In all Phase-1 schools the HM's are advised to estimate the cost of the preparatory work and prepare & estimate and issue sanction orders for the same.

The name of work will be IFPs/Smart TVs supporting infrastructure estimate all activities related to the installation of IFPs/Smart TVs including cabling, LAN, Electrical Works..etc should be included in the estimate and sanction.

Once the estimate is prepared and sanctioned the Head Master will utilize the Balance Funds (unspent amount) of Phase-l to meet the above expenditure YAKR


• In case unspent balances are not available, the HM's will raise

TEO (Fund) request to either Phase-l / Phase- 2 schools and obtain the required funds through TEO (Fund) Mechanism.

• All District Educational Officers /Additional Project Coordinators will identify the schools from which funds will be transferred using TEO (Fund) mechanism and facilitate the transfer. Jonal Project

Indents Provision for Green Chalk Boards for Phase-ll schools has been enabled and HM should complete the indent of Green Chalk Boards of 4 x 4ft size @ 2 per class room for all Phase-Il Schools.25-05-23

This indent activity should be completed 2023 (Thursday).

Hence, All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators are directed to follow the above instructions in letter and spirit and ensure proper planning,execution of the above mentioned preparatory work and complete the IFP/Smart TVs installation in the identified Phase-1 schools.

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