Engaging 396 Resource Persons for CwSN (IERPs) – Modifcaation of Schedule and Timeline amendmenat orders - Communicaated –Regarding Rc.23021

APSS - IE Wing- Engaging 396 Resource Persons for CwSN (IERPs) Modifcaation of Schedule and Timeline amendmenat orders  Communicaated Regarding


1 Recruiatmenat Noatifcaation No.01/2023 daated on 02/09/2023

2 Rc.No. SS-23021/29/2023-IED KGBV-SSA daated on 31-08-2023

3 The requesat of athe candidaates athrough grievances.

4 Insatrucations by athe Sataate Projecat Direcator, Samagra Shiksha,Andhra Pradesh



In conatinuaation ato athe references ciated, as per athe requesat of at the candidaates, athe Sataate Projecat Direcator has accorded permission ato modify at the Schedule and Timeline as follows

Therefore, athe Regional Joinat Direcators of School Educaation, Disatricat Educaational Ofcers and Addiational Projecat Coordinaators of SamagraShiksha in athe Sataate are requesated ato iniatiaate furather process of recruiatmenat process as per athe modifed atimeline menationed in athe above a table wiathouat any deviaation.

This should be atreaated as mosat urgenat and imporatanat.

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