Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Programme-Door to Door campaign and Health Camps certain instructions Rc.30

School Education department - Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Programme-Door to Door campaign and Health Camps certain instructions - Issued. 

Read 1. G.O.Rt.No.688, Health & Family Welfare(E.1)Department, dt:14.09.2023.

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on JAS by the Spl.CS to HCM on 27.09.23

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference read above, wherein Government in order to achieve the goal of "Aarogya Andhra Pradesh" has decided to conduct the Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha (JAS) program to create Health Awareness with focus on preventive health, life style management, awareness on Dr YSR Arogyasri Program and to identify and adress their health needs. The program aims to cover all housespecifically targeting chronic patients, pregnant and Mcting mothers, Neo-natal and infant care, adolescent health and persons with non-communicable diseases. prasad

The Said programme is planned in five phases and the Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Health Camp in the VHC and UPHC limits in the entire state is scheduled from 30th September. Government has informed that the said Health camps, in rural areas will be conducted preferably in School premises or any other building suitable up camp with facilities for examination by the Doctor and in Urban PHCs in urban areas.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to follow the below instructions in implementing the said JAS programme at School premises.

1. Compensatory Holidays may be declared on the days of Health camp scheduled at the school premises. 2. School Premises should be handed over to the Medical Department, by 4pm (after the completion of school hours) one day before the conduct of Health camp.

3. Rooms NOT having IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) or Smart TVs shall be allotted for the Health camp. However, if no adequate rooms were available, rooms with IFPs and Smart TVs also may be provided. In such cases, adequate care has to be taken to ensure no damage happens to the IFPs and Smart TVs installed in the classrooms. 4. The furniture available in the schools shall also be used for the medical camp as per requirement.

5. MEO-II may be kept overall in charge to co-ordinate with the Medical and Health department and district administration in implementing the JAS programme. 6. The Medical and Health department and the respective local body organising the Medical camps (Rural or Urban) shall ensure proper cleaning and sanitization of school premises, including the classrooms and toilet blocks after completion of Health camp. All wastes including disposables Cand medical waste to be segregated and dispo as protocol and not to be left in the school premises. prasad

7. The Headmaster / In charge of the schools along with the watchman (if appointed) shall be available during the entire camp duration to coordinate with the Medical and Health officials.

All District Education Officers are directed to coordinate with the District Collector/DMHO and ensure that all necessary support is provided from the education department for the successful completion of the Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Medical camps.

These instructions should be followed scrupulously without any deviation.

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