Allocation of 5 periods per week from classes 3rd to 9th for TOEFL - Reduction of syllabus for English subject from classes 3rd to 9th Rc.974

School Education-SCERT,A.P Allocation of 5 periods per week from classes 3rd to 9th for TOEFL - Reduction of syllabus for English subject from classes 3rd to 9th - Instructions - Issued-Reg.


1. Academic calendar 2023-24. 2. Review meeting conducted by the Ho'ble Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh with higher officials of the School Education Department on 14.09.2023 at Hon'ble Chief Minister camp office, Vijayawada. 3. Directions of the Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Director of School Education, District Educational Officers in the state are invited to the reference read above, and they are informed that TOEFL has been introduced vide in the reference 1st read above from the academic year 2023-24 and 3 periods for every weak has been allotted from classes 3rd to 9th and also have the TOEFL exam as English paper 2 with every Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment.

Further I wish to inform that, the Government vide reference 2nd and 3rd read above has instructed to allot every day one period for TOEFL for classes 3rd to 9th

Accordingly it is decided to allocate 6 periods in every week for TOEFL for classes 3rd, 4th & 5th and 5 periods in every week for TOEFL for classes 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th except Saturday due to most of the Saturdays have fallen either holiday or bag less day. Keeping in view of the subject weightage and workload of the English teachers duly reduced the syllabus for English for classes 3rd to 9th proportionately and reduced the weightage for English subject, as most of the language skills are covered in TOEFL periods.

The School Assistant English (English Subject Teachers) should handle the TOEFL 'Language Form and Meaning Section'. They can use 4 periods for syllabus teaching and 2 periods for TOEFL practice in their allotted 6 subject periods per class in a week.

Reading comprehension, listening comprehension and speaking tasks should be distributed among Biological Science, Physical Science

Social Studies and Mathematics teachers basing equal distribution of the workload.

In this regard the subject weightage has been modified and English syllabus from class 3rd to 9th has also reduced.

Therefore, the Regional Joint Director of School Education, District Educational Officers in the state are requested to take immediate necessary action to issue instructions to all the field level officers to follow and implement the above said instructions without any deviation and compliance report submitted to this office at once. This should be treated as most important.

Enc:-1.Modified subject weightage table. 

2. Reduced syllabus in English table.

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