Submission of the Monthly reconciliation Certifcate online in CFMS portal – Instructions-Issued Memo:15

 Memo. No: FIN02-15/11/2023-E SEC-DTA (Computer No.2239156) 

 Date: 17/10/2023

Sub:Public Services – T&A (sub) Services - Submission of the Monthly reconciliation Certifcate online in CFMS portal – Instructions-Issued–Regarding.

Ref: Minutes of the DT&AOs meeting held on 23 rd and 24th August, 2023.


Attention of all the District Treasury and Accounts Ofcers in theState is invited to the subject and reference cited. In the reference cited,they were directed to instruct all the DDOs under their jurisdiction toverify the reports provided in the CFMS portal and submit theMonthly reconciliation certifcate through Bio-metric. 

In view of the above, all the DT&AOs are requested to submit theMonthly reconciliation Certifcates of all the Treasury DDOs under theirjurisdiction immediately, so as to submit the Quarterly ReconciliationCertifcate of this department.

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