Fixing of upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) / Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) upto (62) years and to enhance the end of service benefit to Rs.1,00,000/- to AWWs (Main and Mini) and Rs. 40,000/- to AWHs as incentive after attaining the age of 62 years Orders GO.47

Dept., for WCDA&SCs Fixing of upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) / Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) upto (62) years and to enhance the end of service benefit to Rs.1,00,000/- to AWWs (Main and Mini) and Rs. 40,000/- to AWHs as incentive after attaining the age of 62 years Orders Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.47 Dated: 20.12.2023. Read the following:-

1.G.O.Ms. No.20 of the Dept., for WCDA&SCs (Prog.1) Dt: 30.05.2015. 

2.Operational Guidelines regarding Implementation of "Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India.

3. Representation dt:16.11.2023 of A.P. AWWs & Helpers Union (CITU), A.P. AWWs & Helpers Association (AITUC) and A.P. Pragathiseela AWWs & Helpers Union (IFTU). 4. Proposal in the E-File bearing Computer No.2135174/2023 of the Commissioner, WD&CW, Govt., of A.P.


In the G.O. 1 read above, Government have fixed the upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main and Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHS) in service upto 60 years and to provide an end of service benefit of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) to AWWs (Main and Mini) and Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) to Anganwadi Helpers on their attaining the age of 60 years in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

2 In the reference 2 read above, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India have issued Operational Guidelines regarding Implementation of "Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0". According to the Point 3.2 (iii) of these guidelines, the Retirement age of Anganwadi Workers / Helpers shall be decided by the concerned State Government/UT Administration. In any case, AWW/AWH must not be engaged beyond the age of 65 years.

3 In the reference 4 read above, the Commissioner, WD&CW, Govt., of A.P, has furnished a proposal to the Government for enhancement of the upper age limit to the Anganwadi Workers (Main and Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) from 60 years to 62 years and to enhance the end of service benefit to the Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) from Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thoursand Only) to Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) and to Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) from Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) to Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only).

4. After careful examination of the issue based on the Government of India Guidelines and on the proposal of the Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare, A.P., Guntur, Government has decided to fix the upper age limit for continuation of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main and Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers. (AWHs) upto 62 years, and to enhance the end of service benefit to Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) from the existing Rs.50,000/- to Anganwadi Workers and Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) from the existing Rs.20,000/- to Anganwadi Helpers as incentive for those who have attained the age of 62 years to ensure effective delivery of service in Anganwadi Centres (AWCs).

5. Accordingly, Government hereby fix the upper age limit for continuation Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) (Main and Mini) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) as 62 of years and to provide the end ind of service benefit of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) and Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) to Anganwadi workers and helpers respectively on attaining the age of 62 years in the State of Andhra Pradesh. 6. The Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare, A.P., Guntur shall taknecessary action in the matter accordingly.

7. This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance (FMU.WD&CW, LFBAIMS- HSG) Department vide Finance U.O.No: FINO1-HROCRSR(ASUP)/2/2023-HR-IV, dt:25.01.2023. Computer No. 1963082 and U.O.No. 1963082/HR-III & HROCRSR(ASUP)/2/2023, dt:20/12/2023. PC-TA/FINO1-


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