APGLI - Streamlined & Online delivery of APGLI services on Nidhi GO.19

The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) is implementing a Life Insurance scheme which is in existence since 1907, & is modified from time to time, through the AP Government Life Insurance (APGLI) Department.

2. The APGLI is a safety net & ensures economic security of Government employees by providing a lump sum amount with applicable bonus in case of demise during service, or on retirement.

3. The APGLI services were 1" computerized vide the reference 6 read above. Later, a software application was developed and implemented in 1998, which was subsequently upgraded & given the nomenclature of Automatic Insurance Management System (AIMS).

4. A study of the existing delivery of services through AIMS has revealed the need to further automate the existing manual processes, simplify the procedures, & deploy an end-to-end online application leveraging the latest technological advancements.

5. The Director, AP Government Life Insurance (APGLI) Department, in the reference 16h read above, has submitted a detailed proposal for streamlined & online delivery of APGLI services, stating that adoption of revamped procedures developed in consultation with the stakeholders, & delivered online on Nidhi (a portal/app developed & deployed by the Finance Department), will ensure accurate, transparent, & secure delivery of services in real-time basis; eliminate the current delays experienced in registration & reconciliation, missing of credits, balance mismatch, delayed issue of policy bonds, delayed claims & loan disbursements; resolve the issues arising due to the lack of real- time information & absence of any dashboard services to view the policy details, etc.; & thereby be highly beneficial to the employees.

6. Government, after careful examination of the aforementioned proposal, & in supersession of the orders in the references 1 to 14th read above and any other instructions previously issued in the matter, hereby order for the implementation of a streamlined & online system for delivery of APGLI services on Nidhi, as detailed hereunder.


1. The online system provides services to the persons eligible to be covered under the APGLI Fund Rules as amended by the Government from time to time i.e.,the Government employees recruited & appointed in regular substantive posts, whose conditions of service are regulated by rules framed under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India.

2. The online system shall not apply to the persons appointed on full time/part time contingent basis or on nominal muster rolls/daily wages/consolidated pay or on full time/part time contract basis or on outsourcing basis, without regard to the fact whether such appointments are made against substantive vacancies or not, & irrespective of whether their pay & allowances are drawn from the Consolidated Fund of the State or not.

3. Every Government employee in the insurable age, which currently is between 20 to 57 years, shall be mandatorily subscribed under APGLI. No new policy shall be issued to employees who are outside the limits of insurable age


The online system encompasses the following services.

1. Mandatory subscription

2. Issue of policy bonds

3. Voluntary enhancement of premium

4. Availing loans on policies

5. Settlement of maturity/surrender/death claims


1. The services mentioned at Para (B) above shall be provided only in the online. mode on Nidhi.

2. There shall be no manual processes & physical documents.

3. Online services on Nidhi shall be end to end i.e., from application to the sanction & disbursal.

4. Intimations & digitised documents shall be provided to all the stakeholders on Nidhi.


1. Employee Onboarding & Identity

a. Existing employees: The policy number already mapped to the employee ID shall continue

b. New employees. Every eligible new employee shall get enrolled as subscriber to APGLI, as part of the regular employee onboarding process. The employee ID allocated to the new employee, as part of the regular employee onboarding process, shall be the identifier for APGLI services. No separate ID shall be issued.

2. Mandatory Subscription under APGLI

a. Every eligible new employee shall be insured at the mandatory premium applicable to the basic pay.

b. Mandatory subscription is incorporated as part of the regular employee onboarding process.

3. Issue of Policy Bond

a. 1 Policy bond

i. Issued by the DDO upon allotting of employee ID to the new employee.

ii. Policy number is employee ID, suffixed by alphabet 'A' & separated by hyphen.

Mandatory premium is automatically applied as per the applicable pay slabs. Premium is deducted from the 1st pay bill. Policy bond shall be auto generated and issued on the 1" of the succeeding month and the Date of Commencement of Risk (DCR) commences from the date of issue of the policy bond.

b. Subsequent Policy bonds.

Finance Department- APGLI - Streamlined & Online delivery of APGLI services on Nidhi - Orders – Issued. Download GO


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