Sanction of One month Honorarium to the staff and officers involved in conduct of General Elections 2024

ELECTIONS Sanction of One month Honorarium to the staff and officers involved in conduct of General Elections 2024 Information called for - Reg.


1. G.O.Ms. No.512, G.A(Elecs.C) Dept., Dt.22.06.2013.

2. No.464/Inst/EPS/2023/Honorarium, 06.06.2023 of ECI, New Delhi.

3. From General Secretary, A.P. Revenue e-Divisional Managers Association, Dt.19.05.2024.


The attention of the Collectors & District Election Officers, Andhra Pradesh are invited to the references cited, wherein the general guidelines have been issued for payment of honorarium equal to one month grass salary to the staff and officers involved in to conduct of elections to various constitutional bodies through the Election Commission of India viz., General/bye-election to A.P.L.A, House of People and Biennial/bye-elections to APLC.

2. They are therefore requested to furnish the honorarium break ups of the Employees in the respective Districts, who are involved in to conduct of General Elections 2024, keeping in view the guidelines issued in the references cited (copies enclosed), for taking further action in the matter.

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