Skills Development and Training Department Conduct of Skill Census 2024 in the State of Andhra Pradesh Orders GO.13

Skills Development and Training Department Conduct of Skill Census 2024 in the State of Andhra Pradesh Orders Issued.


G.O.Ms.No. 13 Dated: 13.06.2024


Skill development plays a critical role in the economic and social development of a country.GO. Skilled manpower is key to leveraging the opportunities presented by globalization. An emerging economy such as India requires a large skilled workforce. However, skill shortage is evident in every sector of the economy, and it is proving to be a roadblock to growth.

2. India has one of the largest a and youngest populations in the world. However, about 80 percent of its workforce does not have identifiabic marketable skills. In respect of Andhra Pradesh, with its large youth population, has immense potential to reap the benefits of the demographic dividend. However, a significant proportion of the youth in the age group of 15 to 29 years remains unemployed. This is primarily due to the lack of focus on development of specific skills demanded by industry.

3. With the emergence of new technologies like Artificial intelligence, AR/VR, Big data, Block chain technology, Internet of things (IoT), Robotics...etc, the nature of jobs and the skill sets required to succeed in this fast changing job market are also evolving.

4. Andhra Pradesh is one of the States with largest number of Technical B Vocational Institutions (around 310 engineering colleges, 1400 degree colleges, 267 polytechnics and 516 ITIs) and every year approx. 4.4 lakh youth pass out from these institutions. Due to the lack of sufficient job opportunities within the State, the technical & vocational graduates from Andhra Pradesh are forced to migrate to other States in search of jobs & livelihoods..

5. One of the foremost priorities of Government of Andhra Pradesh is to transition into a knowledge-based ed economy. To gain competitive edge nationally and globally, the State needs a workforce capable of creating, sharing and using knowledge more effectively. It needs to develop skilled workers who will be more flexible, analytical, and adaptable and multi-skilled.

6. In this context the Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided that a "Skill Census" will be conducted in the State to identify the current status of skills among youth, skill sets required in various industries and evolve strategy to bridge skill gaps to ensure youth of Andhra Pradesh has competitive advantage in the job market.

7. This "Skill Census" shall be comprehensive assessment and data collection exercise aimed at understanding the skills and competencies possessed by individuals and the skills demanded by industries, in other words "Skill Gap.Study." To achieve this, a detailed survey of the existing workforce and demographic trends will be conducted to map the supply scenario with the following objectives.

Assessing Skill Profiles: To identify diverse skill sets present within the population across various sectors and domains.

Assessing Skill Needs: To identify exact skill requirements among various sectors like manufacturing, construction, service...etc

Assessing Skill Disparities(gaps): To pinpoint gaps between the skills in demand and the skills available, thereby highlighting areas for intervention and investment.

Informing Policy Decisions: To provide Government with data-driven insights for designing effective skill training, education, and employment policies. Empowering Individuals: To enable individuals to access relevant skill sets required to compete in the market and make informed career choices, access relevant training programs, and enhance their employability.

8. The Skill Census shall be conducted through comprehensive surveys, capturing information on education, work experience, training, skill proficiency levels (including technical, soft, and digital skills), stakeholder consultations, and advanced data analytics techniques. The exercise shall involve rigorous validation mechanisms to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data.

9. The Skill Census is expected to provide accurate data for the Government, employers, and other stakeholders, aiding them in making informed decisions about workforce development and resource allocation. It will also guide educational institutions in aligning their curricula with industry needs, ensuring that graduates are better equipped for the workforce.

10. APSSDC (Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation) shall be the Nodal agency for conducting the Skill Census in the State.

11. The Skills Development and Training Department shall take immediate necessary action. All the Heads of the Departments are directed to extend their full cooperation for the successful conduct of the "Skill Census 2024.

12. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance department vide their

U.O.No.FIN01-FMUOMISC/218/2024-FMU-HTE, DT.13/06/2024 Computer No. 2467271.


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