Har Ghar Tiranga celebrations as part of Azadika Amrit Mahostav-Certain instructions

Samagra Shiksha-SIEMAT-Har Ghar Tiranga celebrations as part of Azadika Amrit Mahostav-Certain instructions-issued

Ref: Lr.No.CLTROOSCCC(MISC)/50/2024-YAT&C, dt.)01.08.2024 from the Secretary to Government. AP Secretariat, Velagapudi.

1) With the reference to the letter cited, the Secretary to the Government, Andhra Pradesh has informed that honorable Cultural Minister & Tourism, Gol has stated that Har Ghar Tiranga is a campaign that started under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav to encourage people to bring the Tiranga home and to hoist it to mark India's independence and Har Ghar Tiranga will be celebrated across the Nation from 13th to 15th August, 2024, where in people will be encouraged to hoist the flags in their premises and up load selfies with national flag up load on www.harghartiranga.com

Hence, to ensure the massive out reach and success of this campaign on Har ghar Tiranga, all District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators of Samgra Shiksha, field functionaries and Community Mobilizing Officers, are instructed to conduct the following programs so as to encourage massive participation through various events and activities under Har Ghar Tiranga banner from 2nd August, 2024 to 15th August, 2024. Here are few activities suggested to mobilize and engage community participation.

a. Tiranga Yathra:Organizing grand processions throughout the State by inviting local leaders, schools, colleges, organizations and residents to join in with their flags.

b. Tiranga Concerts: Tiranga Concerts to be organized as large scale public programs with patrotic play lists Musical events, cultural performances to celebrate the freedom of National pride

c. Tiranga Anthem is to be played

d. Tiranga Tribute: Honouring Brave Hearts, freedom fighters and their families by ensuring their presence and participation in in local programs 

e.Tiranga Pledge: Tiranga Pledge to be the part of celebrations Tiranga Pledge is available in English and Hindi on the Har Ghar Tiranga Website. Pledge taking activities may be conducted near Shilaphalakams created during Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign.

f./ Tiranga Canvas: Tiranga Canvas has to be put up at Har Ghar Tirangaalprogram venues so as to enable people to write HAR Ghar Tiranga or Jai Hind in local languages The design template is available on www.harghartiranga.com. Canvas from each stae will be bought to Delhi and stiched together for display at Red fort during August 15th, 2024.

g. Approved banners logos back drops hoarding etc will be available Harghartiranga website and www.indiaculture.gov.in Keeping this in view all District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators of Samgra Shiksha, Field functionaries and Community Mobilizing Officers are requested to organize the Har Ghar Tiranga rvents in a grand manner.

In connection to this all CMOS of Samagra Shiksha are requested to follow up the events of Har Ghar Tiranga and submit the compliance reportin the prescribed proforma, which will be sent through google link. For  further information contact Dr. A Suhasini, SIEMAT.8639421994

Har Ghar Tiranga celebrations as part of Azadika Amrit Mahostav-Certain instructions

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