Updation of Student Mobile Numbers Instructions issued

School Education. Updation of Student Mobile Numbers Instructions issued - Regarding.

Ref:- U-DISE Plus 2024-25 data entry



All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that a significant issue has been identified in the U-DISE Plus 2024-25 Student data. It has been observed that many student contact numbers are either invalid or duplicated with. the mobile numbers of Teachers or Headmasters. This discrepancy could potentially hinder timely communication during emergencies, directly affecting the well-being of students.

To address this, a new feature will be provisioned in the Student Attendance App. This feature will display a list of invalid or duplicated contact numbers, along with an option to update the information. Detailed reports on the progress of this data correction process will be accessible from the school level to the District level, allowing for comprehensive monitoring.

All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are requested bestow their personnel attention to give top priority to this item of work and ensure that the update of student contact numbers is completed by 31-08-2024 without fail.

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