Work Adjustment Revised Guidelines

School Education Academic Year 2024-25 Work Adjustment of Teachers (SAs)/SGTs in needy schools under all managements i.e., Govt/ZPP/MPP/Municipal, as per the Revised Instructions - Issued. requirement


1) G.O.Ms.No.20, School Education (P.E.PROG.I) Dept, Dt:03.03.2011 and amendments thereon.

2) G.O.Ms.No.117, School Education (Ser.II) Dept, dt:10.06.2022. 

3) G.O.Ms.No.128, School Education (Ser.II) Dept, dt: 13.07.2022.

4) This office Proc.Rc.No. ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(5), Dated: 11/08/2024.

5) Certain Representations received from the Teachers Unions.


Due to technical issues and upon the feedback received from Teachers Unions across the State in the work adjustment process, the earlier instructions issued regarding the work adjustment of teachers for the Academic Year 2024-25 are hereby cancelled.

2. The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references 2nd & 3rd read above, wherein the Government has issued norms for re- apportionment of teaching staff in Government/MPP/ZPP management schools and to maintain pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) as per RTE Act, 2009.

3. For the Academic Year 2024-25, enrolment in some schools across all managements has either increased or declined due to various reasons. However, as teacher rationalization has not been undertaken this academic year, it is essential for the Government to maintain the pupil- teacher ratio (PTR) norms prescribed by the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and other existing rules in force. To ensure optimal utilization of manpower, effective academic support for students, and to prevent any adverse effects on academic activities in the schools, surplus teachers shall be adjusted to the needy schools across all managements, strictly adhering to the guidelines outlined below.

(i) Adjustment Criteria:

requirements of schools under all managements (Govt/ZPP /MPP/Municipal) within the same subject.

• Surplus School Assistants shall be adjusted to other subjects as per their respective subjects and methodologies.

Qualified surplus SGTs, possessing the relevant degree and B.Ed Methodology in the concerned subject, shall be adjusted to teach the corresponding subjects in Pre-High Schools and High Schools.

The need for adjustment should be calculated according to existing norms.

(II) Preference in adjustment:

• Adjust School Assistant (SAS) in high schools according to norms.

In Upper Primary Schools, if enrolment is less than 98, allocate 5 teachers by grouping classes 1 to 8.

In Primary Schools, allocate teachers according to norms.

• Adjust the surplus teachers as per requirement only and remaining surplus teachers will be allotted to their original place of work after completion of work adjustment process.

(iii) The said criteria will be taken up in the following phases:

Phase-I: In Mandal level first preference within Management,

if still surplus teachers available then inter management.

Same subject within Mandal

Inter subject within Mandal

Qualified SGTs within Mandal

Phase-II: In Division level first preference within Management,

if still surplus teachers available then inter management.

Same subject with in Division Inter subject with in Division

• SGTs qualified within Division

(iv) Guidelines for identifying the Surplus Teachers:

The junior-most teacher in terms of cadre seniority shall be identified as surplus.

If a senior teacher is willing to undergo on work adjustment in place of a surplus teacher, their request will be considered.


For calculating, the seniority among the same category of teachers with in the same DSC, Merit-cum-roster shall be considered.

First preference shall be given to the schools wherever there is no availability of subject teacher or secondary grade teacher.

The work adjustment process shall be conducted based on enrolment data as on 09.08.2024 from UDISE.

Ensure the availability of Subject teachers in all High Schools upon completion of the work adjustment process.

• Avoid deputing surplus teachers from upland/agency areas to plain areas.

Teachers retiring on or before May 31, 2025, and those with 70% above Ortho and Visually Handicapped are excluded from the work adjustment process.

High school plus schools are exempted from this process.

• Unmarried female teachers, Spouse grounds and Those who comes under preferential category (Widow/ Legally separated 

women, who undergo treatment i. cancer ii. Open Heart

Surgery/ Correction of ASD/ Organ transplantation iii. Neuro

surgery iv. Bone TB v. Kidney Transplantation Dialysis vi.

Spinal Surgery, applicants with mentally challenged children's,

Children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes, Thalaseemia

disease, Hemophilia Disease, Muscular Dystrophy and children

suffering from holes in the heart by birth and undergo

treatment) shall be exempted from work adjustment at the

Divisional Level. However, if they are willing, they may be

considered within the division during Phase-II.

The schools having Minor Media as Language, language

teachers will be provided as per Norms.

For sanctioned leaves upto September 30, 2024 All such, the

post will be considered as not vacant. For sanctioned leaves

beyond September 30, 2024, All such the post will be

considered as vacant for calculation of surplus.

• The entire process to be completed as per the schedule

Work adjustment Revised Guidelines

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