Elections 2024 Training Videos

 Elections 2024 Training Videos:

Elections 2024 Training Videos

  1. Before Polling Day Click Here to Watch
  2. Appointment of Polling Agents: Click Here to Watch
  3. Duties and Mock Poll: Click Here to Watch
  4. Normal Voting Procedure: Click Here to Watch
  5. When a Voter Decides not to Vote: Click Here to Watch
  6. Refusal to obey Voting Procedure: Click Here to Watch
  7. Blind and Infirm Voters: Click Here to Watch
  8. Under Aged Voters : Click Here
  9. Tendered Vote: Click Here to Watch
  10. Challenged Vote: Click Here to Watch
  11. Test Vote: Click Here to Watch
  12. Closing of Poll & Sealing of EVMs  Click Here to Watch
  13. Envelops : Click Here to Watch
  14. POs Dairy: Click Here to Watch
  15. Form 17 C : Click Here to Watch

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