Jagananna Vidya Kanuka JVK APP New VERSION DOWNLOAD latest version for pc Nadu Nedu JVK APP DOWNLOAD Jvk app for pc Jvk app download for pc JVK APP JVK APP login JVK APP New version DOWNLOAD latest version JVK APP Installjvk app apk download JVK APP 1.6.0 VERSION download latest version Jvk app download apk
Jagananna Vidya Kanuka (JVK) app is an essential tool for managing educational supplies and resources in Andhra Pradesh. Here's how you can download and use it:
1. Download the JVK App:
- You can download the latest version of the JVK app from the official website: JVK App Download https://nadunedu.se.ap.go v.in/jvk
- Alternatively, you can also download it directly from the Google Play Store or the Nadu Nedu website².
2. Login Process:
- After downloading the app, you'll need to log in using your credentials.
- The login ID is your IMMS app user ID.
- The default password is 1234 for all schools.
- Once logged in, you can manage item receipts, issue acknowledgments, and track supplies for students.
3. Features of the Student Kit App:
-Headmasters can select the class and child to issue kits and textbooks.
- Mother/guardian authentication is required via fingerprint or iris scan when supplies are received.
- The app crosschecks textbook titles issued and provides reports on issued and pending children
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Class Wise Student Kits Material Details
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