AP Employees Pay Slips EmployeescPay Slip Downlosd pdf Andhra Pradesh state government employee and need to access your payslip, you can use the NIDHI app. Here's how:
1. Download the NIDHI App:
- Visit the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.apcfss.in.herb.emp).
- Search for "NIDHI" and install the app.
2. Login to the App:
- Open the NIDHI app.
- Enter your User ID (usually your CFMS ID) and the password (which is typically set as "cfss@123").
- Click on "Sign in."
3. Access Your Payslip:
- Once logged in, you can view and download your payslip directly from the app
AP Employees Pay Slips In Download NIDHI App
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